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What's in the BlueVenn 2017.4 update?

2017.4 logon screenThis year has been extremely busy for the BlueVenn R&D team. Not least with the creation of an ever-growing list of third-party connectors, to ensure the BlueVenn software integrates easily with your existing marketing stack. The team has also maintained quarterly software updates, and December marks the release of BlueVenn 2017.4, the fourth and final update for this year.

Key for this update has been extending the features for existing and new clients, as well as responding to user feedback to resolve issues and add new capabilities.

Release date for BlueVenn 2017.4: December 22, 2017. 

Here's are some of the highlights from this latest update.

Customer Journeys and Campaigns

NEW Implied Audience Nodes

Occasionally individuals can respond to one of your campaigns, even without being included in your original audience list. An email that a customer forwards to a friend or colleague, for example.

Implied audiences

The new Implied Audience feature enables you to include leads who have performed an action that indicates they have interacted with your campaign in later steps of your communications, even though they were not explicitly included in the original audience.

Marketers can define the nature of this implied action within the BlueVenn platform, using a new response node on the journey canvas.

NEW Geographical Query Nodes

This frequently requested feature enables users to manually select a geographical radius distance around a given point, such as around a city, from a postal/zip code, or a long/lat value.

Geo query nodes

A visual heatmap shows the density and concentration of the selected audience. This allows marketers to easily identify and create highly localized geographic microsegment audiences within that radius, for use within campaigns.  

Data Visualization

Custom Date Bandings

This new feature is the first phase in a series of enhancements, allowing for the creation of flexible, custom date bandings to aid analysis. For example, grouping audiences born within a particular decade.

Date bandings

These bandings can be combined, such as to show sales during a holiday shopping seasons for a specific year.

Pivot Chart Enhancements

BlueVenn 2017.4 continues to add improvements to the creation and visualization of pivot charts, making it easier to profile different customer bases.

Pivot chart pages

These changes stem for the new ability to add up to five pages to a pivot chart. This enables multi-level comparisons to be made against a base page, calculating the under or over representations between different pages.

Pivot chart comparisons

For example, to analyze the number of sales made in a particular year, compared to the number of customers who made those purchases.

As with all BlueVenn analytics, these calculations maintain the drag and drop functionality, so results and calculations can be pulled out for analysis or for use in campaign steps.

Analytics & Modeling

Modeling & Tag Value Enhancements

Modeling enhancements for 2017.4 enable users to query objects as if they were database fields with simple syntax expressions, such as model values (including tags, nurture scores and external data). They can then use analysis tools to query the values and inform segmentation and targeting.

Model enhancements

For example, as well as being able to dynamically split an audience depending on their predictive nurture score, marketers can now see records for customers of certain nurtures score to use in further anaylsis and questioning.


What's in the BlueVenn 2017.3 update? 
What's in the BlueVenn 2017.2 update? 

Beta Club

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  • Be the first to experience the latest features of BlueVenn and blueANALYZER
  • Help assure the stability and usability of new updates
  • Provide feedback to shape future software updates
  • Be part of our Customer Advisory Board with annual meet ups

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Topics: BlueVenn update