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How can travel & leisure marketers segment and target customers effectively

The explosion in do-it-yourself online bookings and the trend for bundled holiday products over the last decade has made knowing and defining the target market more important than ever within the travel & leisure industry. It used to be enough to segment customers by core demographics – their age, residential location and life stage, for example – but reaching the right customer with the right message in a competitive digital arena has become much trickier.

Topics: travel audience profiling omnichannel marketing segmentation Travel & Leisure leisure segments

A Step to Step Guide to Audience Profiling

Audience profiling is the process of defining exactly who your target customer is by unifying and analyzing consumer buying behaviors across multiple platforms and touchpoints.

By segmenting and profiling customers into groups that all share similar behaviors, marketing campaigns can then be built around each segment to optimize the success of the campaign and improve the targeting of personalized offers and content.

Topics: audience profiling