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BlueVenn ENGAGE 2019.1 Software Release

BlueVenn-Engage-logo-dkThe new BlueVenn 2019.1 release is here - but with a new name - BlueVenn ENGAGE! This is to coincide with the launch of the new BlueVenn UNIFY product in March 2019. 

UNIFY is our new 2nd generation Customer Data Platform that delivers a marketer-controlled Single Customer View, and the ability to manage your customer data autonomously within the tool. 

As well as the new name, BlueVenn ENGAGE 2019.1 comes with a new User Interface, new Cascade Segmentation functionality, a range of administration enhancements to improve the speed and processing of campaigns, and an exciting preview of a new Attribution module.

Updates to BlueVenn ENGAGE User Interface

In BlueVenn ENGAGE 2019.1 we have made two updates to the User interface that provides more essential screen space for working inside BlueVenn, and working in split-screen mode.

  1. The left-hand-side navigation has been reduced and simplified to provide significantly more screen space:

    OldUserInterface1  NewUserInterface2

  2. When working in split-screen mode, there is a now a orange highlight to alert you to the active window making it easier to move between different functions.


Improved Cascade Segmentation

Following on from the previous BlueVenn release, our 'waterfall style' Cascade Segmentation* feature is now available for use inside your campaigns.


* Please be aware that you'll need to contact your Account Manager, or contact us here, for access to this feature.

Enhanced Control Group Management

Control Groups are an essential tool for marketers to test and optimize each step of a campaign or customer journey. Now, within every campaign step, control groups can be put in place and configured directly, which makes the measurement of campaign theories and changes quick and easy.


New Attribution Module (Preview Only)

This year BlueVenn is adding its new attribution module, which brings all the underlying data within the platform to the surface for helping marketers to analyze and attribute the success of campaigns. The attribution module goes beyond just First Touch and Last Touch attribution, with both linear and time-based weighting rules for utilizing attribution rules in complex cross-channel customer journeys.

In 2019.1 we're providing a preview of the new Attribution feature, which is available by request only.


The BlueVenn ENGAGE Attribution features provide the ability to apply a number of different attribution algorithms to help measure the effectiveness of your campaigns:


Additional Features and Updates in BlueVenn ENGAGE 2019.1

  • Updated Campaign History Data Usage Report
    There is a new reporting area to look at campaign history and data usage. This has undergone some improvements and includes new visualizations.

  • Post Processor Improvements
    One of the favorite features from 2018 was the ability to send the results of your campaigns directly to any other system. Configuration of this has been made simpler in 2019.1.

  • Channel Suppression
    Suppression queries can now be run for every individual communication channel integrated to BlueVenn. This ensures that every individual customer can be added to multi-channel campaigns with their individual channel suppression applied at each step.

  • Enhancement to 'Channel Fetch Response'
    This allows users better visibility of the clicks, opens and response data from 3rd party email channel connectors.

If you do not currently use BlueVenn ENGAGE but are interested in discovering how you can use it to orchestrate real-time omnichannel marketing campaigns, contact our team today to book a one-on-one demo.

Topics: BlueVenn update