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BlueVenn appears in 2017 Martech Landscape Supergraphic

Martech 5000 Supergraphic

Bigger than ever before, BlueVenn can be found under two categories in the latest iteration of Scott Brinker’s now famous Marketing Technology Landscape Supergraphic. In the 2017 version of this visual behemoth you can find BlueVenn under the ‘Business/Customer Intelligence & Data Science’ and burgeoning ‘Customer Data Platform’ categories.

As Editor of respected media outlet Chief Martech, Brinker’s popular graphic was first created in 2011, where a piffling 150 companies were recorded as operating in the Martech space. A year later, this number had doubled and by 2014 the number of logos topped 1,000.

For 2017, the monster has grown larger still, to include an eye-straining 5,381 logos of companies within the complex marketing technology ecosystem.


There are two ways we can look out our inclusion on Scott Brinker’s 207 Marketing Technology Landscape Supergraphic. The first, of course, is pride, for receiving recognition as a signicant worldwide player within two separate technology categories.

Yet we are also aware that trying to make sense of such a crowded, complicated and confusing market could leave anyone seeking a marketing technology solution feeling completely overwhelmed. Of course, break these companies down by territories or business size target market and this graphic would certainly be more digestible, if not quite so awesome.

Plus, your marketing stack doesn't have to be as complicated as this graphic might suggest. In most cases you can achieve your goals as long as your stack features three core components: data collection, governance and analytics (an SCV); a platform from which you can access this data and make it fit for purpose; and a way to distribute this unified, personalised content through the appropriate channels, at the right time. And no, we're not just saying this because BlueVenn ticks all these boxes...

BI ToolsThat said, like Brinker and industry analysts Forrester, we also believe that this ecosystem will start to change, as currently separate technologies start to converge and already overlapping categories consolidate. For example, some experts (such as those at Econsultancy) forecast that DMPs will eventually be absorbed into other data management solutions, like CDPs.

So, while the Supergraphic may be nearing the tipping point before it starts to shrink, you can expect BlueVenn to maintain its place. Maybe even start popping up in other categories. On the other hand, if it gets bigger still, at least you know that BlueVenn prides itself on its integrations

BlueVennRegister for the next BlueVenn Marketing Platform demo

LIVE NEXT at: 10am EDT / 3pm BST on May 17, 2017

Watch this live webinar of the BlueVenn Marketing Platform and see how to:

  • Visualize a Single Customer View of all your online and offline data in one place
  • Analyze data at speed to get better visibility of your customers
  • Create hyper-targeted customer segments for campaigns
  • Utilize BlueVenn analytics and modeling tools to guide your decisions
  • Plan and automate complex, real-time, omnichannel customer journeys
  • Use cross-journey communication to optimize customer journeys
  • Provide dynamic reports and dashboards


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