NEWS: BlueVenn to join Upland Software. Read more

JOIN Digital – a pop-up series of online conferences for marketers

JOIN-cover-2020-bkWere you planning to attend shows, conferences and events this year? If so, you’re not the only one. With the world of MarTech forever evolving, these events provide marketers with the chance to step out of their daily routine to discover the latest trends, interact with their peers, attend demonstrations of new products or learn from experts through masterclasses and presentations. Now you can do all of that online – every Wednesday (or “Vennsday” as we like to call it), starting April 22!

At JOIN Digital we’ll be bringing you panel debates, live product demos and spotlights, workshops, strategic MarTech advice, masterclasses and interactive webinars over the coming weeks, to expand your store of knowledge and provide guidance on how to market your products and company most effectively.

Back-to-back webinar sessions will be happening every hour, on the hour, led by BlueVenn and our assorted friends and partners. Experts and Consultants will be leading demos of our innovative Customer Data Platform and Omnichannel Marketing Hub and running thought leadership sessions related to customer data excellence, cross-channel marketing tactics, analytics and machine learning best practices, real-time marketing use cases and more. 

Register now for the next episode of JOIN 2020


You need only register once for each weekly episode of JOIN Digital to gain access to all sessions, allowing you to dip in and out of the ones that most interest you on the day. Equally, every registrant will be able to access all sessions on-demand within 48 hours.

Watch now

When does JOIN Digital start and what’s on the agenda?

Every “Vennsday” starting April 22 will feature a new line-up of online sessions, running from 8.30am EDT (1.30pm BST) to 12.30pm EDT (5.30pm BST).

The agenda for Episode 1 of JOIN Digital on April 22 has just been released:

JOIN Digital Episode 1: Vennsday, April 22

8.30am EDT/1.30pm BST - The “Seven Stages” of customer data excellence

Discover a new Seven Stage Customer Data Maturity Model, developed by leading marketing advisers, which can be used as a strategic framework for building a world-class marketing data ecosystem for improvements across personalization, cross-channel marketing, attribution, acquisition, cross-sell and up-sell initiatives.

Presenter: Anthony Botibol, VP Marketing at BlueVenn

9.30am EDT/2.30pm BST – Live BlueVenn Demo :: Unified customer data and cross-channel marketing automation

A 30-minute demonstration of the BlueVenn Marketing Hub, which combines a CDP that works to load, link and activate customer data from siloed business systems with a marketing automation toolkit that orchestrates promotions and campaigns across EVERY online or offline marketing channel.

Demonstrator: Gabrielle Schneider, Solutions Consultant at BlueVenn

10.30am EDT/3.30pm BST – Using 'CDP-powered email marketing' to revolutionize the effectiveness of your email campaigns

What can CDP-powered email marketing offer that email marketing platforms can't? Join this session as we delve into common data limitations that marketers face when attempting to personalize email offers and content at scale. We'll be talking segmentation, analytics, predictive modeling, and how to use these CDP capabilities for improved email marketing and cross-channel effectiveness - and the benefit of having all these capabilities inside one marketing toolkit.

Presenters: Matt Dimond, Solutions Consultant at BlueVenn

11.30am EDT/4.30pm BST - Using next-best action to super-charge your customer journeys

What if you knew, when a customer walked into your store, visited your website or contacted your call centre, what they were going to do next? Wouldn’t that make it easier to present them with the perfect offer, on the perfect channel, at the perfect time to secure a sale? In this session, find out why this appealing concept of engaging the customer in-the-moment is no longer a fantasy. Find out how the combined capabilities of a Customer Data Platform, marketing automation and machine learning can help you to anticipate your customer’s next actions in time to give them the best possible brand experience.

Panel: Jim Kelly, Principal Consultant at BlueVenn, and Matt Dimond, Solutions Consultant at BlueVenn

How do I register for JOIN Digital?

You need only register once for each weekly episode of JOIN Digital to gain access to all sessions, allowing you to dip in and out of the ones that most interest you on the day. Equally, every registrant will be able to access all sessions on-demand within 48 hours.

Sign up for our first JOIN Digital session visit:

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