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The importance of ISO27001 compliance

securedata.pngEvery week you’ll read a story about a company experiencing a data leak or breach. Often, with expensive repercussions. Needless to say, when it comes to the handling of business data, security and privacy is the watchword.

With this is mind, you want the confidence that your ‘data processor’ (someone who processes data on behalf of a ‘data controller’ – i.e. you) has controls in place to manage the security of such a vital business asset. This assurance comes in the form of an information security standard, known as ISO27001.

What is ISO27001?

ISO27001 certification give peace of mind that any company handling your data has audited processes and safeguards in place to prevent a potential data breach.

When looking at companies to assist with your database marketing, it is essential that you check they have the credentials to handle your data securely and privately.

ISO27001 requires that a company:

  • Systematically examines the organization's information security risks, taking account of the threats, vulnerabilities, and impacts;
  • Designs and implements a coherent and comprehensive suite of information security controls and/or other forms of risk treatment (such as risk avoidance or risk transfer) to address those risks that are deemed unacceptable; and
  • Adopts an overarching management process to ensure that the information security controls continue to meet the organization information security needs on an ongoing basis.

It is very important that any data processor you choose to work with has been certified as ISO27001 compliant by an independent, accredited certification body. Along with demonstrating their commitment to the security of your data, it is equally important that you are able to show that you practice due diligence. Particularly with the forthcoming General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and its stricter requirements for data governance.

As you would expect from a company like BlueVenn, we are fully ISO27001 compliant and certified. BlueVenn is also certified annually by an external auditor, with quarterly management reviews of the systems, and a continual audit process, covering all areas of the systems.

What are the benefits of having ISO27001 certification?

Beyond the most obvious reasons (the assurance that we keep your confidential information secure), key benefits of working with an ISO certified company include:

  • Confidence in BlueVenn’s approach to risk management
  • Mitigating the risks of a security breach and any potential damages
  • Assurance that we, as a data processor, are meeting our legal obligations
  • Knowledge that there is a company-wide culture of data security

Along with the construction of secure, Single Customer View databases, BlueVenn also offer assessments and guidance to ensure your business is ready for the changes will bring. To find out more, contact or call 617 207 8685 (US) 0117 943 5800 (UK).

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