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Three Journey Orchestration Tips to Improve the Customer Experience

Optimizing the customer experience should be a top priority for every business! Whether this is to boost customer loyalty, create differentiation from your competitors, or provide the best brand experience for your customers, it's essential that organizations focus their efforts on delivering truly personalized and consistent experiences across all offline and online channels.


The need to improve the customer experience is fuelled by the increased expectation of consumers for personalized shopping experiences and a demand that you have a basic understanding of them. In fact, 74% of online consumers get frustrated with websites when content such as offers, ads, and promotions appear to have nothing to do with their interests. Therefore, investing heavily in optimizing the personalization of the brand experience not only increases trust, loyalty and repeat purchases, but also leads to customers recommending you to their family, friends and colleagues.

So marketers, how do you improve the customer experience and keep customers coming back for more?

#1. Unify your customer data

It is essential for the online and offline customer experience to be seamlessly integrated, and to do this you need to be able to match and merge this data to create a "Golden Record". The unification of the offline and online data helps to create marketing programs with a higher level of familiarity and ensures a level of consistency in the customer experience that aids conversions. This data unification is achieved with a Customer Data Platform (CDP), which unifies, cleanses and deduplicates your online and offline customer data to present you with a Single Customer View.

#2. Understand who you are talking to

With a trustworthy Single Customer View in place, the next step is to invest time, resource and skills in customer insight and analytics that will help you to understand your customers better. With the right customer analytics tools, the marketing team has the ability to ask limitless questions of the data. e.g. What content has the highest engagement? What do our customers ignore? Where are they most active? What channels work or don't work? How do they buy? When do they buy?

The ability to ask these questions quickly, across potentially millions of customers and thousands of products, helps to arrive at insights that were previously untapped. Over the years this technique for fast querying of marketing data has been referred to as "train-of-thought analytics". Although most marketing automation platforms do not provide this ability there are some, like BlueVenn, which use a columnar database engine under the bonnet, that can put fast, powerful analytics at the fingertips of most marketers.

With these analytical tools it is then possible to carve your marketing database up into customer segments for the delivery of targeted content and offers.

#3. Personalize the customer experience

Personalization is the essential part of the customer experience that follows the consolidation of your data, analytics and creation of customer segments. Personalized emails, SMS messages, offers, web content and in-store experiences will not only drive engagement but will result in a higher conversion rate. Companies have reported a 20% increase in sales when web experiences are personalized. Furthermore, when email campaigns are personalized they are 26% more likely to be opened, and if you can translate the online experience into the offline world, such as a bricks and mortar store, then the experience for the customer becomes truly omnichannel.

>> Read how Space.NK use BlueVenn to merge the online and offline experience for an omnichannel customer loyalty experience. 

Revolutionize your customer journey with BlueVenn


Organizations need to ensure that the customer experience is at the top of its agenda so their customers can expect a personalized and omnichannel customer experience. In order to achieve this seamless customer experience, it is vital to ensure your customer journey is data-driven with a CDP and you are delivering relevant content to customers based on the analysis of data and personalization to defined customer segments.

BlueVenn is uniquely positioned as an omnichannel customer journey orchestration platform that provides a Single Customer View and has embedded train-of-thought analytical tools. Its customer analytics and segmentation abilities, combined with a suite of in-built marketing automation tools, enable you to personalize every step of the customer journey.

Contact us today or book a demo to discover more!

customer_journey_ebook_cover_fan Download our Customer Journey Optimization eBook to learn:

  • What a customer journey is
  • Why you need microsegments
  • What the benefits of cross-journey communication are
  • What is required for effective journey orchestration

Download now

Topics: customer journey orchestration